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Kris Barnekow
Reflective Practice Consultant
Kris serves as Reflective Practitioner at Nurture Collective and is the Continuous Quality Improvement Lead for the Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health. She is an Associate Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) where she also received a Baccalaureate degree in Occupational Therapy, and a Master of Science degree in Human Learning and Development. She received a Doctor of Philosophy in the Therapeutic Science track, Department of Kinesiology from the University of Wisconsin Madison. The focus of her doctoral dissertation was maternal-infant attunement, and this research was guided by Kraemer’s Psychobiological Attachment Theory where she focused on infant capacities that fostered attunement with their mother. Â
While completing her doctoral work, Kris served children and families in Wisconsin’s Birth to Three Program. Because of her work with Dr. Kraemer, Kris understood the significant role relationships play during early development. She and Dr. Kraemer, co-authored a paper in 2005 that outlined Psychobiological Attachment Theory as a frame of reference for pediatric occupational and physical therapists who serve children and families in early intervention settings. Since then, Kris has integrated an early childhood mental health approach in her research, teaching and service and was recently awarded Fellow by the American Occupational Therapy Association for pioneering OT’s role in infant mental health. Kris holds Infant Mental Health Endorsement in Wisconsin and is committed to work that enhances the lives of young children and their families. Â